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Sunday 15 July 2012

The Rajarata kidney disease

This refers to the letter to the Editor by Dr  U.Pethiyagoda on the above subject published on 2nd July 2012.  In his letter he mentions the following among others. 
"A recent news item reveals that experts have concluded that heavy metal contaminants in drinking water in certain areas, may account for the kidney disease in the NCP. This has been causing immense distress and numerous deaths over the years. Now that the direction from which the arrow came seems to have been identified, perhaps we can now try to pull it out!"
"Meanwhile, several others (including Profs. C.S.Weeraratne and O.A. Illeperuma) have expressed their views. Prof. Nalin de Silva and his team created a diversion by invoking "Samyakdrushtika Devi Devatavas". Deaths and distress have continued!"
I am not sure whether Dr. Pethiyagoda is referring to the news item on the recent WHO report on the CKD. A news item on this particular report, as reported in the "Daily News", on 30th June 2012,  has a reference to Arsenic as one of the heavy metals. " World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that one of the key causative factors for the mystery chronic kidney ailments suffered by people in the North Central Province is co exposure to low concentration of Nephrotoxic heavy metals.
Nephrotoxic heavy metals include cadmium and arsenic." 
It was our group at Kelaniya that mentioned Arsenic first and if it was a diversion the group is  happy to have been instrumental in drawing the attention  of "experts" and others to this toxic substance with respect to CKD.   
It may be true that "murunga seed powder can be a most effective and accessible means of removing many heavy metal contaminants (including all that are implicated in our problem)" as stated by Dr. Pethiyagoda, but we also know from "Samyakdrushtika Devi Devatavas".that Kovakka is also a purifying "agent". In any event I am glad to report that our group is now treating the CKD patients on an "experimental basis" in a selected area, of course, with the help of the "Samyakdrushtika Devi  Devatavas " .

Nalin de Silva.