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Friday 21 February 2014

Who won the “war”

Who won the so called second world war? Nobody would claim that it was Japan, Germany or Italy and nobody wanted Churchill to discuss with the rump Nazis or the Japanese emperor and divide the world Germans and the Japanese wanted. There were no human rights groups that wanted the Nazis to be freed from all the inhuman activities they were involved with. No human rights group charged Churchill or anybody else in the western governments of human rights violations during the war, though it is known that the Americans decided to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki AFTER the war had been won by the Anglo Saxon countries and Soviet Union. It is also said that England killed hundred thousands to end the war quickly without prolonging it. 

If there was any discussion it was between those who won the war, namely the Anglo Saxon countries and the Soviet Union, on the division of the world between them. There was a clear winner of the war and to date England or USA has not been accused of abusing powers. England may have had to give independence to some Asian countries as a result of the second world war but the USA and England still rule the world including the said Asian countries. 

Leave alone the wars of others what about the “wars” we had in Sri Lanka. The invaders starting with Elara, Dhatiya Pheetiya during the Dhathusena days, then the Maghas, Cholas, the Portuguese, the Dutch and worse the English had been involved with destruction of lives property and more importantly the way of life of the people by force, as in the case of conversions by force or by giving bribes in the form of privileges, jobs in the professions  but no charges of human rights violations have been brought against any of them. Though some countries have successfully claimed compensation from the colonials, Sri Lankan governments have not taken any action at least against the European countries as there is enough evidence of such destruction against those countries. I am more interested in the knowledge we possessed and stored in the ola leaf books, and other artifacts as stored in the British Museum and other places.  

Now I do not consider there was a war in Sri Lanka in the seventies, eighties or later in the twenty-first century. There was no war between the Sri Lankan government and the JVP or a war between the former and the LTTE. The JVP had taken up arms against the state on two occasions in the name of Marxism relative to that party and they were interested in establishing socialism whatever it meant to them. They were not agents of any foreign power, though there were stories on North Korea supporting them in 1971. However North Korea did not take up the issue of human rights of the JVPers after the Sri Lankan government was able to defeat the “revolution” with the support of the western countries. In 1989-92, as well, there were no human rights issues against the Sri Lankan government or the armed forces, and it cannot be said in the seventies it was due to the government taking up the Manmperi murder. It should be emphasised that in the seventies Sri Lanka had a SLFP led coalition as now, and the west was interested in their way of life continuing in the country.

The west most probably considered the JVP revolt as a threat against their system and as such supported the Sri Lankan government to suppress it. I am not condoning the actions of the JVP either in the seventies or the eighties, but it can be said that the government won the “war” without leaving any residues in the form of human rights in the eyes of the westerners nor the human rights people all over the world. It has to be mentioned that as far as the revolts of the JVP were concerned no pundit here or abroad referred to a war between the Sri Lankan government and the JVP. There were no discussions, discourses on post war or post conflict situation and no American state department personnel or English Prime Ministers came to Sri Lanka for the specific purpose of discussing human rights issues. 

The non aligned summit was held in Colombo few years after the first JVP revolt and the Indian leaders were more than willing to participate in the proceedings. No leader of any country behaved as a bull in a China shop, the way David Cameron put up a “show” last year, this time a few years after the defeat of the LTTE, and Mrs. Bandaranaike and the SLFP though not liked by the western countries was a lesser threat to the western system than the JVP at least in the eyes of the west. The JVP did not challenge the sovereignty of the nation and all that they wanted was a change in the system whether we agreed with them or not. Even if the leadership of the “Marxist” JVP may not agree more than ninety five percent of the JVP members were Sinhala Buddhists, and for the west it was the Sinhala Buddhism in the JVP that was a bigger threat to them than the Sinhala Buddhism in the SLFP. None of the pundits wanted the government to have any discussion with the JVP leaders on what should be given to the JVP as a reconciliation. There were no discussions on reconciliation and truth commissions, LLRC reports not to mention Darusman and Pillai reports or on implementations of certain proposals to meet the demands of the JVP. The SLFP led coalition in the true Sinhala Buddhist tradition on their own had implemented a rehabilitation programme without any support of the human rights people who in the final analysis work for a fee.

However with the defeat of the LTTE everything has changed. The LTTE terrorism is projected as a liberation movement and the humanitarian operations are now considered to be a war between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE. Though the LTTE was defeated convincingly in the Nandikaddal Lagoon in 2009 it is not considered as a defeat. Human rights activists are having a field day both literally and literary, and the pundits are engaged in a never ending discussion, sorry discourse, on post war situation. Recently a few ministers known for “leftist” ideas and few Tamil racists and “intellectuals” (there are no intellectuals in Sri Lanka) got together to request the Sri Lankan government to implement the 13th amendment and be excused from charges on violation of human rights.

It is clear that human rights is a bogus issue and the real concern of the west and Jayalalitha and the Congress is giving so called rights of the Tamils as envisaged by the Tamil racist movement. It is reported that the Tamil Nadu government is going to free seven convicts of the Rajiv Gandhi murder case. It is a pity that the naval rating who hit Rajiv Gandhi with his rifle had to be imprisoned. It may be that murdering a Prime Minister is a lesser offence than hitting a Prime Minster with a riffle, and I hope the human rights activists would take up the case of the naval rating and proceed with a courts case for compensation for him in the light of  Tamil Nadu government to free seven convicted of murder of Rajiv Gandhi.

The so called war between the LTTE and the government has not ended in Nandikadal for the simple reason it was not a war between those two parties. It is a conflict between the Judaic Christian culture of the west and the Sinhala Buddhist culture that has been in operation from 1506. The “war” has not been won by the Sri Lankan government and Cameron is now directly involved in the tussle to defeat Sinhala Buddhist culture. The demands of Tamil racism should have been thrown into the Nndikadal Lagoon in May 2009 as the demands of the Nazis were, as the “war” is also a political solution. There should have been no discussion on  the 13th amendment after Nandikadal but since Judaic Christian culture and the Greek Judaic Christain Chinthnya, the main enemy of Sinhala Buddhism has not been defeated yet we will have to face Genevas in time to come in spite of the military victory, which in essence was the political solution to the Tamil racist problem. LTTE and Tamil racism unlike the JVP fight against the sovereignty of the nation, as agents of the west.

Nalin De Silva
