"බටහිර විද්යාවේ සළු පිළි එකිනෙක ගැලවෙමින් පවතියි. මේ සමිබන්ධයෙන් හොඳම සාක්ෂිය පසුගිය අවුරුදු හැත්තෑපහක පමණ කාලයක බටහිර විද්යාවේ හරිහමන් සංකල්ප එකකට වඩා බිහි නො වීම ය. බටහිර තාක්ෂණය ද ඉදිරියට නො යයි. අද එහි කෙරෙන්නේ ඔප මටිටමි කිරීමි කටයුතු මිස මූලික දෑ නො වෙි. අද බටහිර ක්රිස්තියානි නූතනත්වයට ප්රශ්න විසඳීමට නො හැකි ය. එයට කළ හැක්කේ ප්රශ්න කලමනාකරණය පමණකි. වත්මන් සමාජයේ කලමනාකරණයට ඉතා වැදගත් තැනක් ලැබී ඇත්තේත් ලංකාවෙි ද විශ්වවිද්යාලවල කලමනාකරණ පීඨවල අධිවෙිගී
වර්ධනයක් දක්නට ඇත්තේත් එබැවිනි. අද මෙරට ඇති බටහිර ඉංජෙි න්රු පීඨවල ද කලමනාකරණය ගැන දැඩි අවධානයක් දැක්වෙන අතර වෛද්ය කලමනාකරුවන්ගේ අවශ්යතාවක් පැන නැගෙමින් පවතියි. මුළු මහත් ලෝකය ම අද ව්යාජත්වය වැළඳ ගෙන ඇත. ගල් පිළිම වෙනුවට බොල් පිළිම මතු වී ඇත. එයට හොඳම උදාහරණය බටහිර භෞතික විද්යාවේ ශ්රෙෂ්ඨයකු ලෙස පුමිබනු ලැබ ඇති ස්ටීවන් හෝකින් ය. මේ සියල්ල පඬියන්ගේ වචනවලින් කියන්නේ නමි පශ්චාද් යුද තත්වයකි. එහෙත් එය ලංකාවෙි කෙරුණු ඊනියා යුද්ධයක් නො වෙි. එය ඊනියා දෙවැනි ලෝක යුද්ධය වෙයි. ඇමරිකාව බටහරි ක්රිස්තියානි නූතනත්වයේ නායකත්වයට පත්වූයේ ඊනියා දෙවැනි ලෝක යුද්ධයට පසුව ය. ඇමරිකානු විශ්වවිද්යාලවල කලමනාකරණ පීඨවලට වැදගත්කමක් ලැබුණේ ද ඇමරිකානු නායකත්වය යටතේ ය."
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Sunday, 30 January 2011
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
As we mentioned last week not only that there is no treatment in western medicine for Rajarata Chronic Kidney Disease Unidentified Etiology (RCKDunet) the causes are also not known as the words unidentified etiology indicate. Apparently the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) has under these conditions given permission to their members to make use of any reliable treatments found in the so called alternative systems of medicine. I do not know the exact words used by the SLMC, but usually the educated people in the country use the terms alternative system of medicines when they want to refer to systems of medicine other than the western system.
This terminology itself is objectionable as it implies that the western system of medicine is the chief or the default system and the others are systems alternate to western system. Medicine in today’s context means western medicine just as much vedakama meant Sinhala Vedakama during my childhood. When we were small my mother would say beheth for Sinhala beheth without a qualifying term and would refer to western medicine as ingrisi beheth. However, over the last fifty years or so the roles have been reversed and now people would say Sinhala beheth with a qualifying term and beheth for western medicine without a qualifying term.
A similar observation can be made in respect of Avurudda. Sometime ago the aluth avurudda (new year) dawned in April and people got ready for it from about early March. What was dawned in January was simply called Janeruva derived from January. However, it has become trendy to call the avurudda dawned in April as the Sinhala Avurudda with the qualifying term. The former Janeruva has gradually become the aluth avurudda and people now celebrate the aluth avurudda in January very much more than the way they used to do about fifty years ago.
These are nothing but examples for cultural invasions and it is quite clear that the Sri Lankans are now under the hegemony of western Christian Judaic culture and what we would call the Greek Judaic Christian Chinthanaya. In fact it is a worldwide phenomenon, and very recently after the “Tunisian Revolution” the pundits said the former Muslim country had now become a secular country. The westerners would warn the non Christian countries to become secular, to separate state from religion etc., without telling that their countries are Christian. To celebrate the New Year in January is to adopt a Christian tradition and nothing else, especially if the country had been celebrating the New Year on a different date in a different month.
It is true that the New Year was celebrated in January by some of the other cultures before the Christian culture adopted it, the way they adopted twenty fifth December the day of God Mithra (Sun God) of the Egyptian tradition as the birthday of Jesus the son of God (Christ). In fact this particular day was celebrated by the ancients as according to them it was on that day the Sun began its journey relative to the earth northwards. It is now known that this particular event takes place on the twenty first of December rather than on the twenty fifth of December but no correction has been made in this regard.
Today the word secular is used as a synonym for Christian. When the pundits want us to become a secular country what they mean is a Christian country. Secular England, Britain or UK for the pundits, is Christian England with all the paraphernalia of the English culture attached to it. Surely England has not separated the Christian religion, English or Anglican Christian religion to be specific, and when William Windsor marries later this year the pundits will know how secular England state is. Secular, I repeat is now a synonym for Christian and Tunisia though still not secular is on its way to becoming a secular state. We have been so much brainwashed by the western Christian education that we receive in Sri Lanka, even the Muslim pundits among us who shout from roof tops on Sinhala Buddhist hegemony would have no problem in seeing Tunisia becoming a so called secular country. Secularism is Christian but there are Christians, such as Born Again Christians in America who are not satisfied with Christian Secularism, who want more Christian features and Christians introduced into the world.
The faculties of western medicine, western engineering, western science, western humanities, and western social science are all referred to without the adjective western, as in the case of the vedakama and the avurudda, as western is supposed to be the one and only TRUE knowledge in any particular field. Thus western medicine is the medicine with other medicines referred to as alternative medicines. However, RCKDunet (unet in western medicine and not in Vedakama) has exposed the inadequacies of western medicine, and also of western science. In our vedakama it has been identified that the so called RCKDunet is caused mainly by Arsenic and Mercury found in what is now fashionably called drinking water (paneeya jalaya in Sinhala!) in the relevant areas in Rajarata. The kivula or the hardness of water also contributes as without kivula the mere presence of Arsenic would not cause so called RCKDunet, though it could result in other diseases.
There is a cure or a vedakama for this disease and already a number of patients who have been treated by western medical practitioners using the herbs that are found in the areas have been cured. In any event we have to be thankful to the SLMC for permitting these western medical practitioners to deviate from their normal practice. The western hospital in Padavi Sri Pura had been very active during the weekend with chanting of Pirith as vedakama is not dissociated from religion and unlike the westerners we do not pretend that religion and other practices are separated from each other. It is to the credit of the western medical practitioners who participated in this exercise and I understand that they too are now devout Buddhists observing the five precepts. One of the features of vedakama is that the vedamahaththaya has to be a person who at least observes the five percepts as otherwise he would not have the “power” to cure. Vedakama is not for those who take a “shot” or two or who indulge in other vices (please note that vices are culture dependent) and they are not welcome to treat the patients.
How we (the group at the University of Kelaniya) diagnosed the disease and how we came across the vedakama (treatment) is a separate story to be told later. In the meantime we would be thankful to the SLMC that has the power in virtue of being associated with the hegemonic western medicine to continue to give permission to the western doctors to make use of so called alternative treatments, though eventually it will lead to their downfall. We have been suppressed by western knowledge for more than five hundred years and it is time to realize that we also have our own systems of knowledge whether in vedakama, govikama, vadukama or anything else and we should be teaching these to our students, of course together with instructions on religious aspects.
Copyright Prof. Nalin De Silva
Chronic Kidney Disease,
බටහිර තාක්ෂණයේ හා නූතනත්වයේ බලකොටු බිඳ වැටීම
"බයිබලය යනු යෙහෝවා නමි දෙවි කෙනකු මිනිසකුට කී කතා සටහන් කළ පොතක් ලෙස පිළිගැනීම අපහසුවක් නැත. (එවැනි කතා අදත් ඇතැමි දෙවිවරුන් මිනිසුන්ට කීම දුලබ නොවන බව පමණක් දැනට සඳහන් කරමි.) එහෙත් යෙහෝවා යනු තවත් දෙවි කෙනකු මිස ලෝකය මැවී යැයි කියන දෙවියන් වහන්සේ නමින් හැඳින්වන්නකු නො වෙි.
බයිබලය යනු යෙහෝවා නමි දෙවියන් මිනිසකුට කී කතා අඩංගු පොත වන්නා සේ ම යේසුස් වහන්සේ ද ඇතැමි බටහිරයන් කියන පරිදි ක්රිස්තුස් නමි දෙවි කෙනකු විසින් යමි කාර්යයක් සඳහා මෙළොවට එවනු ලැබූ වෙනත් දෙවි කෙනකු විය හැකි ය. යේසුස් වහන්සේ හා ක්රිස්තුස් නමි දෙවියන් අතර වූ සමිබන්ධය යේසුස් ක්රිස්තුස් යන නමෙන් ද, යේසුස් ක්රිස්තූස්වහන්සේ වරෙක තමන් දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ පුතා ලෙසත් වරෙක තමන් දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ලෙසත් හඳුන්වා දීමෙන් ද පැහැදිලි වෙයි."
බයිබලය යනු යෙහෝවා නමි දෙවියන් මිනිසකුට කී කතා අඩංගු පොත වන්නා සේ ම යේසුස් වහන්සේ ද ඇතැමි බටහිරයන් කියන පරිදි ක්රිස්තුස් නමි දෙවි කෙනකු විසින් යමි කාර්යයක් සඳහා මෙළොවට එවනු ලැබූ වෙනත් දෙවි කෙනකු විය හැකි ය. යේසුස් වහන්සේ හා ක්රිස්තුස් නමි දෙවියන් අතර වූ සමිබන්ධය යේසුස් ක්රිස්තුස් යන නමෙන් ද, යේසුස් ක්රිස්තූස්වහන්සේ වරෙක තමන් දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ පුතා ලෙසත් වරෙක තමන් දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ලෙසත් හඳුන්වා දීමෙන් ද පැහැදිලි වෙයි."
Sunday, 23 January 2011
ධනේශ්වරය හා සිංහල බෞද්ධ ආධිපත්යය 2
"පසුව අයින්ස්ටයින් නිවිටෝනීය ගුරුත්වාකර්ෂණය මුළුමනින්ම ඉවත දමා වෙනත් ම කතන්දරයක් ගොතා බුධ වස්තුවෙහිද අනෙක් ග්රහ වස්තුවල ද චලිතය විස්තර කර දුන්නේ ය. එතෙක් බටහිර භෞතික විද්යඥයන් නිවිටෝනීය ප්රවාදය අතනින් මෙතනින් සංශෝධනය කළා මිස ගුරුත්වාකර්ෂණය හැරෙන්නට වෙනත් ප්රපංචයක් අධිනිර්ණය වී ඇතැයි කීමට ඉදිරිපත් නො වූහ. බටහිර විද්යාවෙි ඉහළින් ම සිටින භෞතික විද්යාඥයන් ක්රියා කරන්නේ එලෙසිනි.
එහෙත් තමන් බටහිර විද්යාඥයන් යැයි කියා ගන්නා මාක්ස්වාදීන් තම පංති ප්රවාදයෙන් ඉතිහාසයේ විකාශය තේරුමි කරදීමට අසමත්වූවිට ක්රියා කරන්නේ වෙනත් ම ආකාරයකට ය. ජාතිය යන සංකල්පය පිළිගැනීමට අකමැති වූ ද ජාතිය යන්න ඊනියා ව්යාජ මනසේ නිර්මාණයක් පමණක් යැයි ද කියමින් බටහිර මාක්ස්වාදියෝ ජාතිය අධිනිර්ණය වී ඇත යන විකාරය ගෙතූහ. ඔවුන්ට බංකොළොත් පංති සංකල්පය ඉවත දැමීමට තරමි ධෛර්යයක් නැත. ඒ අතරම ජාතියක් යනුවෙන් ප්රපංචයක් ඇතැයි කීමට තරමි අවංකකමක් ද නැත."
එහෙත් තමන් බටහිර විද්යාඥයන් යැයි කියා ගන්නා මාක්ස්වාදීන් තම පංති ප්රවාදයෙන් ඉතිහාසයේ විකාශය තේරුමි කරදීමට අසමත්වූවිට ක්රියා කරන්නේ වෙනත් ම ආකාරයකට ය. ජාතිය යන සංකල්පය පිළිගැනීමට අකමැති වූ ද ජාතිය යන්න ඊනියා ව්යාජ මනසේ නිර්මාණයක් පමණක් යැයි ද කියමින් බටහිර මාක්ස්වාදියෝ ජාතිය අධිනිර්ණය වී ඇත යන විකාරය ගෙතූහ. ඔවුන්ට බංකොළොත් පංති සංකල්පය ඉවත දැමීමට තරමි ධෛර්යයක් නැත. ඒ අතරම ජාතියක් යනුවෙන් ප්රපංචයක් ඇතැයි කීමට තරමි අවංකකමක් ද නැත."
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
We at the Chinthana Parshadaya became interested in the Rajarata chronic kidney disease unidentified etiology (RCKDunet) about four years ago, as we were worried about the patients and also due to the spread of the disease in the so called mayim gammana (boundary villages) in the Rajarata. Of course, today thanks to the President and the heroic soldiers there are no mayim gammana though the NGO and other pundits who used these terms still occupy the centre of the “intellectual landscape” thanks to the hegemony of the western Christian modernity. These pseudo intellectuals who are nothing but imitators who have not produced a single new concept or a theory have to be sent to the boundary from the centre, and I can see that the writing is on the wall even if they do not realize it.
The western medicine men in the Chinthana Parshadaya first suspected cynobacteria but it was found that it was not present in sufficient concentrations. The Chinthana Parshadaya did not have sufficient funds nor laboratory facilities to continue with the work and we had to be mere observers or rather receivers of information from those who were actively involved with the “research” connected with RCKDunet. However, recently some of us promoted ourselves from being passive observers to active “researchers” and formed a group in the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya under my leadership. Though I am not a western biologist, a western medicine man nor even a western Mathematician or a Physicist, by virtue of being the Dean of the Faculty I have been invited to be the leader of the group. There are western Biologists, Chemists, western medical practitioners (from other universities) and a western Mathematician (for Mathematical modelling) in the group and we have already obtained some preliminary results that are not in agreement with results already published by others.
As the terms unidentified etiology imply the causes of the RCKDunet are unknown to western medicine. Though diabetic patients and those with high blood pressure could end up as chronic kidney patients, Rajarata patients do not suffer from these ailments in general. The unidentified causes have to be identified, and we as a group are not merely interested in the identification of the causes alone as we would like to find a cure for this chronic kidney disease from which our innocent poor people in the Rajarata or Vev Bandi Rajya suffer. Our work is multidisciplinary in the true sense of the word and we will come out with more details as we proceed. At present it would be sufficient to say that we are somewhat different from other groups involved in western science.
Our approach is holistic, and we do not separate the sources of water from the environment and confine ourselves to an analysis of water found in wells and Vevas in the region. The Vevas of the Sinhalas are not mere tanks or reservoirs and we have a good knowledge of the Vevas from writings of late Mr. Mudiyanse Tennakone in the Divaina about twenty five years ago. Since then we have accumulated knowledge from other sources, Oh! no not from western sources, and we know the involvement of the Nagas (for anybody’s sake not Tamils please, if Tamils were involved they would have constructed Vevas in the present South India) in the construction of the Vevas. The Naga symbols found at the Vevas not only indicate the fact that they are associated with water and that they protect the Vevas but also the fact that they were involved in the construction of these massive structures. Late Mr. Mudiyanse Tennakone had taught us about vev thavulla, poshana pradesha, kulu Vevas and their functions, nivun (or twin) Vevas etc. Recently we came to know of the trees that were planted in a systematic way to make sure that the water in the veva or the well was purified. Remnants of this habit could be found in planting of kumbuk gus (trees) near wells.
Our group does not find Microsystis, a cynobacterial species in well water in the areas affected by RCKDunet. However, we have found traces of Green Algae, and according to the western Botanists in the group there is a possibility for these algae to be identified as blue green algae mentioned by some others. We also do not have evidence to conclude that cadmium is the cause of the RCKDunet.
Then where do our findings lead us after the preliminary investigation. As I mentioned above ours is a holistic exercise and we are of the opinion that Arsenic and Mercury found in water and soil in Rajarata where the RCKDunet has been spread and kivula (hardness) of water are two of the main causes of the disease. Then there is another important factor that is now lacking in Rajarata. These are the trees that were planted systematically in the surrounding areas of the vevas. The roots of these trees were involved as a kind of filters and the removal of these trees during the last few decades have caused havoc as far as the chemical constituents found in the water.
The western medical practitioners in our group have found similarities between arsenic poisoned patients in other parts of the world and the Rajarata Chronic Kidney patients. The Rajarata patients are different from kidney patients found in rest of the country and our group is investigating into these similarities and dissimilarities. We are also startled by the large numbers of arsenic poisoned patients in Bangladesh and would like to find out the role of the genes in spreading the RCKDunet in Rajarata.
However, we are mainly interested in finding a cure and our team has considered some plants and their fruits and nuts in this connection. We are guided by what I would call the Borupana Thesis, I first heard from the late Borupana Vedamahaththaya of Rathmalana. I know that some pundits will object to it citing so called scientific methods and research methodologies, but all that I know is that there is no scientific method as such and genuine research cannot be conducted according to so called methodologies. The uninitiated western scientists may read “Against Method” by Feyarabend as a first step.
In any event Borupana Thesis mentions that a cure for any disease can be found from the area in which the disease is spread. Recent discovery by western scientists that there are life forms based on Arsenic is a good example in this connection. The Rasa (mercury) vedakama found among the Sinhalas and others also points in the same direction. However, we are not proposing to introduce Arsenic or Mercury as a cure but to have a cure based on certain plants that could be grown in the area. The soil that has the potential to destroy life also has the ability to maintain life is the maxim behind the Borupana Thesis. Finally I would definitely say that RCKDunet is a result of introduction of western Christian modernity that has changed the life patterns of the Rajarata govia.
Copyright Prof. Nalin De Silva
Chronic Kidney Disease,
Sunday, 16 January 2011
ධනේශ්වරය හා සිංහල බෞද්ධ ආධිපත්යය
"පිලිප් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා ඇතුළු මුල් මාක්ස්වාදීන්ට අරමුණු දෙකක් විය. එකක් බිරිතානි අධිරාජ්යවාදයෙන් (අප කියන අයරු ින් බටහරි ක්රිස්තියානි නූතනත්වයෙන් නො වෙි) නිදහස ලබාගැනීම ය. අනෙක මෙරට අසරණ දුගී දුප්පත් ජනයාගේ ජීවන තත්වය නගා සිටුවීම ය. ඒ සඳහා ධනවාදය නැතිකර සමාජවාදය ස්ථාපිත කරි ීම ඔවුන්ගේ බලාපොරොත්තුව විය. ඔවුහු ඒ සඳහා ක්රියාකිරීමට මෙයින් අවුරුදු හැත්තෑපහකට පෙර ලංකා සමසමාජ පක්ෂය පිහිටුවූහ. ඔවුන්ගෙන් ඇතැමෙක් ඒ සඳහා බොහෝ දේ කැපකළහ. මෙහි දී විශේෂයෙන් ම පිලිප් ගුණවර්ධන මහතා කැපී පෙනෙයි. ඔහු සමසමාජ ව්යාපාරයේ න්යායික නායකත්වය ද ඉසුළු බව රෙජී සිරිවර්ධන පවසා ඇත. අනුන්ගේ යහපත වෙනුවෙන් තමන්ගේ පෞද්ගලික අපේක්ෂා, ධනය, නිදහස, ශ්රමය ආදිය කැපකිරීම බෝධිසත්ව චර්යාවකි. පැරණි සමසමාජ නායකයන් අතර බෝධිසත්වයන් සිටියේ යැයි මම නො කියමි. එහෙත් ඔවුන්ගෙන් ඇතැමකුට බෝධිසත්ව ලක්ෂණ විය."
පිලිප් ගුණවර්ධන,
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
If anybody is interested in finding a solution to the so called ethnic problem then the problem has to be formulated in a consistent manner without trying to give what may be called piecemeal solutions. For example recently Jehan Perera has talked of appeasing the so called Tamil diaspora. Why should one try to appease a group of Tamils living abroad who are very often not even citizens of Sri Lanka? People such as Jehan Perera tried to appease the LTTE as well thinking probably that we did not understand what he meant by appeasing. Now I am not interested in the Oxford dictionary meaning of the word appeasing, but we knew that it was a synonym for assisting or lending a hand to the terrorists in the context of the Tamil racism used by the NGO boys and higher-ups in the peace movement that included various Christian peace outfits. The LTTE was appeased or given a hand in order to defeat what these Christian as well as Marxist leaders would call the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony in the country. I can assure these boys and of course girls that there is no Sinhala Buddhist hegemony in this country similar to what has been established as Judaic Christian hegemony in the entire world. The Judaic Christian hegemony is there for one to see even with closed eyes, as they say in Sinhala.
The Sri Lankan government was forced by the Judaic Christian hegemony in the form of western governments to appease the LTTE in order to achieve what they called peace. People such as Jehan Perera had been advocating appeasing to achieve peace for thirty years and all that they were able to attain was explosion of bombs. The governments were convinced by western Christian hegemony to engage in peace talks with the LTTE while the western governments were helping the terrorists with funds and sometimes with arms through the NGOs and the Churches of various denominations. We in the Chinthana Parshadaya exposed the Norwegians ages ago and when we organized the first ever demonstration against a western government for helping the LTTE long time ago the TNL reported the event by saying that there were only thirty people at the demonstration! What we said then are now being verified through the Wikileaks and we are happy that there are more than thirty groups, not just individuals, who would demonstrate outside embassies of the western Christian countries, (who said that they are secular) and are prepared to fight against western Christian modernity. These western Christian governments used their diplomatic privileges to transport certain items to Vanniya and the governments of Sri Lanka headed by J R Jayawardhane, Chandrika Kumaratunga willingly helped the west as they represented Judaic Christian culture and engaged Greek Judaic Christian Chinthanaya. Though R Premadasa represented a different culture and a chinthanaya as the leader of the UNP he had to succumb to the western Christian modernity and finally became a victim of terrorism he unwillingly supported. While the governments were having peace talks the terrorists went on killing innocent people mainly Sinhala Buddhists and moving into the Vanni area. The so called peace accord signed by Ranil Wickremesinghe and Prabhakaran only paved the way for the terrorists to “capture” more land. The peace of Jehan Perera and others was nothing but giving more and more power to the LTTE and they had only one aim. That was to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist culture if possible, the way their forefathers had been doing for five hundred years from the time the Portuguese arrived in this country and introduced the Christian culture. They did not love the Tamil Hindu culture but were only using the innocent Tamil Hindus to fight against Sinhala Buddhists and Sinhala Buddhist culture and had they won would have turned their guns against the Tamil Hindus and Tamil Hindu culture in no time.
The best friends that the Tamil Hindus have in this country are the Sinhala Buddhists and it is time that these groups join hands to fight and defeat western Christian modernity and people such as Jehan Perera. One of the lessons that have to be learnt is to ignore the advice given by people such as Jehan Perera. The Christian and Marxist “intellectuals” had failed to achieve what they wanted and no peace would have been achieved by following them. We remember the bankrupt concept of “Buddhism Betrayed” and, of course, its author the Tamil Christian “intellectual” Thambiah, that attempted to dissociate the Buddhists from fighting against the LTTE so that the terrorists could have a field day not only in the fields of Vanniya but also in Colombo. We haven’t heard of Thambiah for a long time and hope he is enjoying his life at Harvard. The west finally introduced the concept of failed state to ridicule the Sri Lankan state and the governments and there was an editor and his imitator editorial staff of a certain weekend Sinhala newspaper who repeatedly referred to the failed state most probably without understanding the reason behind the introduction of that failed concept by the western intellectuals. Almost all these people who wanted to ridicule the Sri Lankan state are either Christians of various denominations or Marxists again of various denominations. Of course, there are Christians who love this country and are prepared to accept that Sinhala Buddhist culture is the significant culture of the country but the same cannot be said of the Marxists. All these people including the editor referred to above, are failed “intellectuals” and there is no reason as to why we should listen to these failed “intellectuals” and appease the so called Tamil diaspora. We replace this biblical word with an appropriate word using Greek as well as Tamil and say diaspoda. (The word diaspora had been used when translating the Hebrew bible to Greek and had referred to the Jews who were dispersed, as the original Greek usage apparently referred to dispersed persons.) Peace was finally achieved in this country not by listening to Thambiah, Jehan Perera or any other failed “intellectual” but by going against their word and defeating the LTTE militarily. They are not proper intellectuals as they have not created a new concept or a theory but have been educated people in the western tradition who know to quote concepts and theories created by the western intellectuals, based on the Greek Judaic Christian Chinthanaya.
The so called ethnic problem is a problem created by western Christian modernity where the westerners used Tamil elite and then ordinary Tamil Hindus against the Sinhala Buddhists and the Sinhala Buddhist culture to destroy if possible the latter. The western Christians do not have anybody in Sri Lanka now to organize against the state, except of course some disgruntled Christian elite, Marxists and Tamil elite who cannot even organize themselves into a single unit. The westerners have been compelled to turn to the Tamil diaspoda living in the west, who have no political power if not for the support given by the western governments with England leading the gang of thugs and there is no reason at all to appease the diaspoda or their mentors. There is only one way to solve the problem. That is to accept that the Sinhala Buddhist culture is the significant culture of the country and to respect the other cultures while defeating the western Christian hegemony. The people inhabiting the country could live in peace, if we identify the common enemy the western Christian hegemony and defeat it. It is definitely not an antagonism between the Sinhala Buddhists and the Tamil Hindus which is a myth propagated by the western Christian intellectuals and politicians only to hide what they have been up to all these years. The moment the Sri Lankan people as a whole accept the significance of Sinhala Buddhists who have built this country over centuries and their culture the so called ethnic problem is solved. The Sinhala Buddhists on their part will respect the other cultures as they have been doing throughout history. (concluded)
Copyright Prof. Nalin De Silva
Sunday, 9 January 2011
ලෝක විනාශය අත ළඟද?
"බටහිර ක්රිස්තියානි නූතනත්වය විසින් අදාළ චින්තනය හැරෙන්නට වෙනත් චින්තන හා සංස්කෘතීන් නැතිකර දමනු ලැබීමට ක්රියා කළ ද ඒ සාර්ථක වී නැත. එයට එරෙහිව විකල්පයක් ලෙස ඉදිරිපත් කළ හැකි ප්රධාන ම චින්තනය සිංහල බෞද්ධ චින්තනය වෙයි. මේ චින්තනය හා සිංහල බෞද්ධ රාජ්යය ගැමුණු රජුගේ නිර්මාණ වෙයි. බටහිරයන් සිංහලයන්ට විරුද්ධව මෙතරමි කෙණහිළිකමි කරන්නේ ද ඔවුන්ට එරෙහිව ඇති විකල්ප චින්තනය සිංහල බෞද්ධ චින්තනය වන බැවිනි. මුස්ලිමි රාජ්ය ලංකාවට වඩා බලවත් වුව ද ඔවුන්ට පැහැදිලි විකල්ප චින්තනයක් ඉදිරිපත් කළ නො හැකි ය. කඩා වැටෙන බටහිර ක්රිස්තියානි නූතනත්වය වෙනුවට අපට සිංහල බෞද්ධ චින්තනය ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට හැකි වුවහොත් ලෝකයේ විනාශයක් ලෙස ලෝක විනාශයක් සිදු නොවනු ඇත. එවිට ලෝක විනාශය ලෙස අර්ථදැක්වීමට සිදුවනුයේ බටහිර ක්රිස්තියානි නූතනත්වයේ විනාශය ය. එය අද ලෝකයේ ආධිපත්යය දරණ බැවින් එහි විනාශය එක්තරා අන්දමකින් ලෝක විනාශයක් ලෙස සැලකිය හැකි ය. එහෙත් වෙනත් අර්ථයකින් එය ලෝකයේ ම විනාශයක් නොවනු ඇත්තේ එයට එරෙහිව අපට විකල්පයක් ඉදිරිපත් කරගැනීමට හැකි වුවහොත් ය."
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