Pirith and water
I do not agree with Bohm and Pandya, but the Japanese experiment is interesting to say the least.
Posted on September 21, 2012
A recent Japanese study conducted by Masaru Emoto shows that water when exposed to
Since our body is consisting of about 70% of water, when listen to the prith, many water
molecules in our body become hexagonal
Workshop & Seminar on Bridging Science and Spirituality, 7-8 April 2007, Buddhist
Research Society, Singapore.
aggregates (other wise pentagonal or some other shape). It has
been found that such hexagonal water made our body and its
cells healthy and disease free.
a b
Figure 6. Water exposed to several hours of paritta chants and freezed shows clear hexagonal shape ice crystals (a)
Same water sample – heavy metal produce no clear shape, but the Tibet Buddhist Sutta, (b) Fujiwara Dam Water
(Japan) – before and after chanting paritta.
9. A Scientific Approach to Understand the Relationship Between Mind and Matter
David Bohm, a theoretical physicist attached to the Department of Theoretical Physics, Birkbeck College,
University of London in United Kingdom has presented a new theory of the relationship of mind and matter
(Bohm, 1990). His approach is based on the causal interpretation of the quantum theory, in which an electron, for
example, is regarded as an inseparable union of a particle and a field. This field has, however, some new
properties that can be seen to be the main sources of the differences between the quantum theory and the classical
(Newtonian) theory. These new properties suggest that the field may be regarded as containing objective and
active information, and that the activity of this information is similar in certain key ways to the activity of
information in our ordinary subjective experience. The analogy between mind and matter is thus fairly close. This
analogy leads to the proposal of the general outlines of a new theory of mind, matter, and their relationship, in
which the basic notion is participation rather than interaction. Although the theory, can be developed
mathematically in more detail the main emphasis here is to show qualitatively how it provides a way of thinking
that does not divide mind from matter, and thus leads to a more coherent understanding of such questions than is
possible in the common dualistic and reductionistic approaches (Bohm, 1990). These ideas may be relevant to
connectionist theories and might perhaps suggest new directions for their development.
These new trends indicate that ultimately, as Dr. Pranav Pandya of India said, the confluence of scientific
knowledge and spiritualism will lead to the complete development of mankind.