දැනුම ගැන කතාවක්
පහත සඳහන් සටහන ඕස්ත්රේලියාවේ පාසලක භෞතික
විිද්යාව ඉගැන්වූ අයකුගෙන්. මා එය පරිවර්තනය කරන්න යන්නේ නැහැ. යුරෝපීය සම්භවයක්
ඇති ගුරුවරයා ඕස්ත්රේලියාවේ පැරැන්නන්ගේ දැනුම ගැන කතා කරනවා. මෙය කලාතුරකින්
සිදුවන්නක්. නමුත් දැනුම ගැන නොදන්නා අයට ඒ
කියවා යමක් දැන ගන්න පුළුවන්.
අප අද ජීවත් වන්නේත් මහා සුළි සුලඟක් ආසන්නයේ.
Teacher (Secondary)
anyone 1,000 years ago as smart as someone with average intelligence today?”
was teaching a science class in the Australian desert and the class was quietly
working (it was a nice class). I looked out the window and I commented to no
one in particular, “Looks like there will be a cyclone next week.”
students mostly started laughing and one piped up “The national meteorologists
said that the low would pass by without any problem.”
there was a part of the class that did not object to my announcement… the local
indigenous people. Instead they asked, “How do you [of European descent] know
what our elders know?”
smiled and pointed out the window, “The wind has changed to go in the opposite
direction, the clouds have moved north instead of south, and the corellas (a
small cockatoo) have all left town and gone to shelter in Karijini (local
mountain range).”
indigenous students were impressed and everyone else thought I was an idiot… at
least they did until the cyclone hit the next week and flooded all the roads
out of town.